Monday, May 30, 2016


DC's Rebirth is not a reboot, it's more of a..... remembrance.

The circumstances surrounding Rebirth give us a new big bad who isn't really new to most. The story goes that Dr. Manhattan, from the Watchmen universe, decided to tinker with the DC Universe, and take 10 years of it. (A little back story, at the end of Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan states that he might want to create life, as nothing ever ends, even creation.)

This leads us to Rebirth.
Dr. Manhattan doesn't so much create life and more creates a universe where the DC heroes are put upon where there is no hope and darkness in them. The Speed Force plays a part into it and if you read Flashpoint, you know exactly what happens there. Pandora, the New 52 herald, is also here but I won't spoil exactly what happens or what her purpose is.

The main character in the book itself is Wally West, the Teen Titan Flash, who was not in the New 52 Universe. He is stuck in the Speed Force and sees everything int he New 52 and concludes something is amiss. I won't go into detail, but there are spoilers. It brings back a touching reunion, and one you can't help to appreciate weight behind it. 

When New 52 was introduced, people were mad about the continuity being wiped away. Some books didn't sell well and others didn't like the way their characters were being handled. Rebirth handles that but also acknowledges it as well. I have read other reviews and concur with them, do not make Dr. Manhattan the quintessential "big,bad" guy or villain. Manhattan was experimenting with reality and if you've read the books, he really doesn't have a wide spectrum of emotions, so him dealing with emotions seems a mixed bag.

I feel positive that DC will bring back readers into the fold with Rebirth, as long as they handle it better than New 52. That being said, I liked a couple of titles in New 52, though I didn't like it when some of them were de-aged. 

Rebirth is the book to get into if you want to get back into the DC universe. It seems it will go back into the pre-New 52 universe but also add bits and pieces of New 52 as well.

But only time will tell.

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